The annual MY Garden Birdwatch Survey was held this year on the 6th and 7th June, 2020. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic worldwide, the bird count must go on. I don't have much of a problem with this myself as I always do my count at home. And besides, in early June 2020, the Malaysian government has already relax the lock-down rules somewhat, although social distancing must still be adhered to.
I conducted my count this year at 8:00 A.M on 6th June 2020. I only did one count as time was not at a premium lately.
My Bird Count Results
The Last 12 Months
Some of the birding events around my neighbourhood during the last 12 months:
Not that many Spotted and Zebra Doves nowadays. I wonder if it has anything to do with the cats that are running around the front and back garden. Dead birds around my garden is quite common these last couple of weeks. I will always try to rescue them birds whenever I see any other them that is in distress.
- Counted a big flock of Asian Glossy Starling this year - eight in total.
Pied Fantail seems to have taken residence within the vicinity of my home. There is a section of my home where one Fantail will come around quite frequently.
Not much Rock Pigeons around the neighbourhood these days. Reason: one of my neighbours has stop keeping geese just a few months ago.
Brahminy Kites, they are still around. I saw one tussling with 2 black crows in mid-air not too long ago. Not sure why.
My first time shooting, and subsequently submitting as stock videos to Dreamstime this year.
- Trimming the branches of my big rambutan tree seems to attract exotic birds. That's how I got the Little Heron video above. A Crested Goshawk did actually come visiting one day. Unfortunately, that was the very first bird video that I have ever shot and the quality was bad - too shaky and too much zooming in and out making it totally unusable.
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