
Thursday, 27 April 2023

x264 Warning: MB Rate [489110] > level limit [245760]

I got this warning dialog box towards the end of Step 1 and Step 2 while saving my video in VirtualDub2.

VirtualDub2 x264 Warning: MB Rate [489110] > level limit [245760]

Never had this before ever since I processed my videos before uploading to Dreamstime. I was stumped.

x264 Configuration - Setting Level to 4.2

But this helps. I set the 'Level' parameter in the x264 configuration dialog box to 4.2 (from 4.1) and the warning never occurred again.

Problems with the frame rates per second (fps) of my video I think. I never had this problem with 30 fps video, but this popped up when my video was set at 60 fps.

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Saturday, 15 April 2023

More Kittens

Four Kittens - April 6th 2023

More kittens in my house.

Date of birth: 3rd April 2023. Time: around 2:15 p.m. That was when we heard the sound of some baby kittens crying. We counted four, but one died 4 days later on April 7th. Mother cat is in the pink of health. Likewise for the rest of the kittens too so far.

Here are two short videos that I've made of the kittens on April 6th: