
Saturday, 23 February 2019

Test Picture Upload To Flickr

Chinese New Year 2019 Parkson

Someone mentioned that the photo uploads to Flickr from Raven+ is broken (here and here). Looks like it is not. Here is an excerpt from the log for this blog post for my Flickr upload for the picture above:

[ZUploadContentPrePublishHandler] Uploading to media store Flickr[0000014eedb06ee500c000a800c800c80260217a] file 1 of 1 (CNY_Parkson.JPG), 210384 bytes
[ZUploadContentPrePublishHandler] Done uploading file 1 of 1 (H:\work\RavenData\Pictures\Flickr\2019\CNY_Parkson.JPG), 210384 bytes
[ZUploadContentPrePublishHandler] Remote url is http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7874/33309406668_5db1a70a4a_o.

This is my second test picture upload today to Flickr. So, as far as Raven+ is concern, there is nothing to fix.

My Flickr user account was setup in 2013, by the way. Likewise with my Flickr configuration on, at that time, Zoundry Raven. Its been six years so I can't really remember what I did then. Sorry - I think I have to login to my Flickr account and click on 'Yes" or something like that.

Update: 20th March 2019

Look's like I made a mistake. Please see my comment below. In short, Flickr picture uploads on Raven+ is broken.


  1. Sorry T.C. but is true that Flickr not work with Raven+, but with a new acconut. Flick now in Raven works only with an old account. If you want make a new account the page for the login saying "yes" make error.

    I have 2 blogs. With this Picasa problem I want use Flickr for one of them but I can't create the storage picture

    1. You are absolutely right. My apologies. I should have created and tested with a new and fresh Flickr account.

    2. Please, don't worry, not problem

  2. Hello!
    I will really appreciate if you can fix the problem for the permission for Raven+. From 2015 I used only Picasa with Raven+ and now I can't add my account
    Thank you!
    Ah! and thank you for try to add Google Photos. I think, like you think, that is only a backup
