
Sunday, 27 December 2020

Cow's Milk As Cat Laxative?

Portrait Of My White Cat

The hairball control medication did work for awhile initially for my 8 year old cat.

A fews weeks later though, its effectiveness seems to have waned to the extent that my cat was going minimal on water and zero on food intake for about a week. All the signs for cat constipation (lethargy, irritable when touched, always in the crouching position, straining to defecate with nothing produce) were there, except for vomiting. I was obviously very concern. Very, very concern seeing that my cat was losing a lot of weight too.

So, as a last resort, I took the very unconventional approach, hoping to relieve my cat's agony: I gave my cat some cow's milk. Just half a tablespoon though, at about 3 cc. I was quite sure that things will turn terminal if I were to do nothing. I was desperate. It's a chance that I have to take, even though I knew beforehand that some cats may suffer from complications with lactose intolerance because of milk.

The Following Morning

In the following morning, I was happy to find that it worked. Some hairball was expelled overnight. Not much but it helped in bringing my cats appetite back. She ate some dried cat food that morning - the first time in something like 7 days. Not much though at about one teaspoon full. But still, these are promising signs. I thanked god.

Her appetite kept improving in the following days. She ate the most yesterday. At about 4 teaspoon of cat food in total, broken down over 4 sessions throughout the day.

Since then, I have been feeding my cat cow's milk whenever I see her straining while defecating. The amount given is still at about 3 cc. Any more and she will begin to struggle.

And by the way, she was forced-fed with a syringe. I have a cat which is a picky eater.

Update - 11th January 2021

Truth be told: I don't think my little experiment with cows milk is working. My cat is back to its old ways. But one thing is for certain though, she is not lactose intolerance with cow's milk. Or maybe it's because the amount that I have given is too little to cause diarrhea. So cow's milk it is for her when she is not eating.

I am trying coconut oil now. Let's hope this works.


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