
Thursday 15 August 2024

R.I.P. LahChee

LahChee - R.I.P.

I have been expecting this and it finally happened last month on 18th July 2024. LahChee died with what looks like brain seizure.

It was around April 2024 when I first noticed that something was wrong with her. She wasn't gaining weight and looks a little skinny even though she was eating and drinking normally. She was of the size of a 3 month kitten even though she was 7 months old.

Rest in peace LahChee. We all are going to miss you.

Name: LahChee

Date Of Birth: Sometime beginning December 2023

Date And Time Of Death: 18th July 2024 3:00 P.M.

Cause of death:
Looks like brain seizure. Found her lying on her side in the morning 'running'. She regained her composure 30 minutes later, gave me 3 meows, and sat in the crouching position for about 15 minutes. Then she lied down on her side, and never regain her composure again after that. She began twitching quite regularly 3 hours before she breath her last.

Age: 7 months+

Symptoms of illness:

  • At time of death, LahChee is about the size of a 3 month old kitten. She has not gained weight since April 2024. She looks anorexic too.
  • Appetite looks good even to the very day before she died. She just can't gain weight. No problems in fluid intake all along.
  • Not as active as the other kittens in her litter after end March 2024.


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