
Friday 27 September 2013

Zoundry Raven: Preventing Double Line Spacing In Blogger.com

Enable "Remove Newlines" To Avoid Getting Double Line Spacing Between Paragraphs In Blogger.com

I have to enable the "Remove Newlines" option, found in the "Account Manager" dialog box, when publishing my blog post to Blogger.com. If I do not, I will get double line spacing between paragraphs.

Click On "View Settings for this Blog" To Open The "Account Manager" Dialog Box

The Account Manager dialog box can be accessed by just selecting your blog name in the left pane ("Account Navigator") in Raven's main window while in "Standard" view and then clicking on "View Settings for this Blog".

This is what gets sent to Blogger.com if the "Remove Newlines" option is NOT set (note the line breaks after the HTML tag </p> and that the tag <p> always starts on a new line):

With "Remove Newlines" Option Disabled

But with the "Remove Newlines" option enabled, this is what gets sent to Blogger.com:

With "Remove Newlines" Option Enabled

From what I could see after going through the source HTML markup scripts after publishing, Blogger.com will convert the (invisible) "newline" characters (found after the </p> HTML tag) to a <br /> HTML tag - thus, giving an extra line in between paragraphs.

By enabling the "Remove Newlines" option, the "newline" characters will be stripped off by Raven before sending to Blogger.com. And with no "newline" characters, there will be no unnecessary <br /> tags.


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