I made an online purchase recently at Superbuy.my. Everything went well until the point when I wanted to make an online payment via Maybank. It failed with an error message "Could not connect to remote server" at URL
I tried again but this time with the Mozilla Firefox web browser, thinking that the Opera web browser was causing the problem. Unfortunately, it did not work either, but with a different error message "The connection was reset" at the same URL.
I started an online chat with tech support at Superbuy.my. Their advice: try again later, which I did after a 30 minutes wait. Regrettably it did not work either. Thinking that the site may be having some technical problems, I just gave up for the day.
On the following day, I tried again. Same thing, it did not work. I then started thinking to myself:
"This can't be right for an e-commerce website with its payment system 'down' for something like 12 hours. How are they to compete in this highly competitive e-commerce business?"
The Problem With Windows XP
Baffled, I tried again but this time with Firefox running in my software development test virtual machine environment running under Windows 7. To say the least, it worked flawlessly. I successfully made my online payment, albeit some 12 hours late - and receiving my item some 6 days later via courier.
Looks like some arm-twisting going on there to get me upgrading my Windows XP computer to at least a Windows 7.
Hey! That .aspx in the URL above, isn't that an "Active server page" which runs under IIS, a product from Microsoft?
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