
Monday 24 July 2017

A Rather Persistent Pied Triller Sighting Lately

It must be my lucky week I suppose. I first spotted a pair of them initially about a week ago - one male and one female. Quite easy to tell them apart as their plumage is quite distinctive between the sexes. I tried photographing the two of them then. But they flew away once they realised that I was pointing my camera at them. Bah!

Getting Lucky

Female Pied Triller - On A Durian Tree © Chuah TC 2017 - Buy this picture

But as luck would have it, I have had this female Pied Triller come visiting my home almost every other day after that. It is almost impossible to miss it. First that distinctly call, "kraw.... kek-kek-kek". And with minimal effort, usually I should be able spot it, on two occasions photograph it. Lucky me!

I am not sure why it is just this female bird that comes in this subsequent visits? As a guess I suppose it could be the same bird as I don't get many visits from this particular species. As far as I could recall, last year was my first sighting of them in my 4 years ago of birding albeit a male bird. But where is its mate? And with such persistent sighting in my neighbourhood, I wonder if they have decided to nest here. As a birder, I hope they do. But why now and never before?

My Theory

Female Pied Triller (Again) - On A Mango Tree This Time

Here's my theory:

There have been some local ecological changes around Ipoh recently. For about 1½ months beginning early April 2017, lots of trees have been blow down at numerous places around the city (my home included) by some never before experienced in ones lifetime gale force winds. As a precautionary measure, lots of trees around the city have also been trimmed to prevent any further untoward incidents. There was at least one fatality, by the way.

I wonder if this tree fallings and trimmings is causing some birds to move about or around the local ecosystem looking for new nesting sites.

Only one way to find out - keep monitoring.


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